Welcome, guests! It's been a while.
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Welcome, guests! It's been a while.


Welcome, guests! It's been a while.

It’s summer again! This great rock on which we all live has made its annual trek around the sun and brought us back to sunny days, evening strolls, and firing up the grill. Of course, it’s also brought to us our annual vacations and summer guests as well.

If you are preparing your home for annual descents – these tips will ensure that your guests feel special and warmly welcomed…

Linens | Bedding

There is nothing that is more inviting than a bed with great bedding. Sheets that are thick and luxurious to sleep on. Pillowcases that comfortably send one off to sleep. While guests won’t complain about sub-par linens, go the extra mile to make them feel great.

Bonus: Place a few small bottles of water on the dresser or nightstand – your guests will appreciate the thought.

A Set of Matching Towels

Towels come in a variety of colors and sizes – there is something for everyone. Think about your guests and which style they might prefer. A bath sheet or a standard bath towel? Do they need one or two hand towels and washcloths? Perhaps none at all? Then build a tower of matching towels. They can be one color, multi-colored, or even patterned. Of course, you can always build a monochromatic set and then add in a fun and colorful hand towel too.

Bathroom Basket

How many times have you been a houseguest, and it’s only when you have retired to the guestroom that you realize that you have forgotten your Q-tips or your toothbrush? Creating a bathroom basket which caters to your guest is not just thoughtful, it’s practical too. Head to your local pharmacy and wander through their trial-size aisle.  It’s super easy to find everything that you need.

Matching Silverware and Glasses

Having a collection of unique or one-off silverware and glasses is great when it is just you and your family. But placing matching silverware and glasses sets on the table when entertaining defines elegance. It feels so much more put together. Your guests will notice. They may even volunteer to load the dishwasher afterwards!


No one wants rings on their wooden or glass coffee tables, end tables, or even kitchen tables. No one. It’s important to take care of your furniture. But you also don’t want to seem rude to your houseguests by handing out coasters like they are candy either. How to give them the hint? Keep a few sets around each table that is endangered – it is a visual cue to remember to use them. If your guests aren’t catching the hint, then don’t be nervous about simply telling them.

Stylish storage

Are your houseguests the type that like to unpack their suitcase upon arrival, or are they more “living-out-of-the-suitcase-for-a-month” type of folks? For the former, add some stylish storage options into the guestroom. A free standing clothes rack, a cute basket for toiletries, and even a shoe rack will make them feel truly welcomed.


Ah, yes, WiFi. What’s a modern home without it? And what is a guest that doesn’t ask several times for its password? An easy way to remedy this situation is to write down the password on paper (and make it as creative as you like), place the paper in an inexpensive photo frame, and place the photo frame on the dresser of the guest room. If for some reason, your guest is not automatically connected or becomes unconnected, you will not hear “Sorry, can I get your password again?” Plus, you can leave it there for future guests too.

Your home is, of course, an extension of you. By using these easy tips, your guests will feel welcomed by both yourself and your home.