Large Outdoor Screens at Arlington Retail Centers Get Thumbs Up from Planning Commission
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Large Outdoor Screens at Arlington Retail Centers Get Thumbs Up from Planning Commission


Large Outdoor Screens at Arlington Retail Centers Get Thumbs Up from Planning Commission

Arlington retail centers may soon be able to play movies and commercial messaging on large outdoor screens.

A proposed zoning ordinance change, unanimously recommended by Arlington’s Planning Commission on Wednesday, would affect six commercial areas in Pentagon City, Clarendon, Ballston and Shirlington. It’s part of an effort to encourage “gathering and socializing” and allow for “interesting and authentic entertainment and experiences” in Arlington’s retail centers, per a county report.

“I think staff’s proposal is fairly conservative and respectful of the [residential] zoning and the, sort of, light pollution and noise pollution issues,” said Planning Commissioner Leonardo Sarli.

Businesses would apply for a use permit to install outdoor visual entertainment, which would be oriented toward shoppers and pedestrians. It would have to “contribute positively to the pedestrian experience and enhance the economic viability,” the report says.

Only the following shopping centers would be eligible.

Hours of operation for the screens would be from 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and from 8 a.m.-11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Businesses could apply for a special event permit to extend those hours for sporting events or other “live programming of a national and/or community interest.”

Screens could play sound and could be no more than 40 feet tall and 750 square feet in area.

The county report noted “no known issues” with the proposal, which will go to the Arlington County Board for consideration.

Large screens visible from the outdoors are currently a rarity in Arlington. Only a single example is listed in the report: a TV in the lobby of the WETA headquarters at 3939 Campbell Avenue.

Also discussed at the Planning Commission meeting was a proposed site plan amendment to the 12th Street Landing development project in Pentagon City. The project is now on indefinite hold, county staff said, because of a Tuesday court decision overturning the Pentagon City Sector Plan.

As published by ARLNOW – Author Daniel Egitto